Information Technology unit

Introduction of information technology unit

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the use of software facilities to use the hardware power of computers to perform human activities. This concept is very broad and several definitions have been provided. But in all definitions, there is a consensus on the use of computers to perform activities.

Information and communication technology is the translation of the word Information & Communication Technology. This technology analyzes and transforms raw data that does not have understandable meanings and concepts into understandable information. Homogenein provides the possibility of exchanging data and information through electronic systems for the purposes of consumption. Although information and communication technology based on digitization is a new phenomenon, the concept of information technology in its general sense is the same as the creation of the universe.

Information technology is based on several processes such as production, processing, storage, retrieval, information transfer and speed. Information and communication technology components include software, hardware, computer systems, designers, manufacturers, electronic components, and computer equipment providers. This field of knowledge is very important in organization management and especially organizational decision making. The topics of information and communication technology in management are examined in the field of management information system


Information technology infrastructure

Information and communication technology components include both the active space of the Internet as well as a mobile phone that is powered by wireless networks. This technology also includes older technologies such as landlines, radio and television broadcasting, all of which are widely used today, along with advanced ICT components such as artificial intelligence and robotics.

Telecommunication networks and services

By using the Internet, computers and telephone networks, business can make significant progress.

Multimedia communication (audio, video)

Including: mobile networks, without cables, optical fiber networks, satellite systems

Switching and routing

Routing and switching protocols form the basis of a network connection.


Including: network protocols, data storage networks, encryption and security technologies

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