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human recourse devlopment

In order to achieve strategic goals and maintain and improve the indicators of processes related to human resources, the Petro imen Sharif Knowledge Foundation has made investments and strategic planning in various fields:

The development of human resources is the main priority of Petro imen Sharif. Since the beginning of its activity, this company has been focusing on the development of technology and its knowledge and production activities, the development of processes in the field of human resources has been on its agenda.

Some of the most important axes of this field are:

  • Communication, surveying and maintaining employee satisfaction
  • Compilation, modification and continuous improvement of processes in the field of human capital,
  • Identification, control and analysis of human capital indicators,
  • design, deployment and implementation of performance management,
  • Improving and developing organizational culture and professional ethics
  • Education budgeting and planning
  • Targeted development of amenities

Pishco human resources

Petro imen Sharif Company has taken a strategic look at employees as a competitive advantage and human resources, and has attracted the best colleagues from among the best Iranian experts. By creating a dynamic, knowledgeable and informative environment, Petro Imen Sharif has provided the professional and personal growth and development of its colleagues.

Our colleagues at Petro imen Sharif are members of a friendly and lively family and are working hard to achieve the development of the collection.

According to the chart below, you can understand the steady growth of Imen Sharif Petro Group. This development provides the possibility of career growth and promotion for each employee by creating new positions and suitable positions.

Pishco gender composition

Petro imen Sharif Company, as a production and knowledge-based company, strives to create equal opportunities and has attracted the best Iranians in its expert team.

The gender composition of the collection in the non-productive sector is opposite.

Also, training using the latest training methods and standards is always considered as a routine program of Petro Imen Sharif. Petro Imen Sharif considers his educational expenses with the view of long-term investment and adheres to it. Currently, online, offline and face-to-face and extra-organizational trainings are ongoing or in the process of being implemented in Petro Imen Sharif.

Number of active personnel: 342 people

  • 98 women
    244 men

The combination of educational level in Pishco

The knowledge family of Petro Imen Sharif is a platform for the development and growth of the best of Iran. This collection is taking steps in the path of growth and pride for our beloved Iran by bringing together experts in the offending fields.

The composition of the educational level of the group is opposite.

Our colleagues at Petro imen Sharif are members of a friendly and lively family and are working hard to achieve the development of the collection.

According to the chart below, you can understand the steady growth of Petro Imen Sharif Group. This development provides the possibility of career growth and promotion for each employee by creating new positions and suitable positions.

Supplying the required manpower based on the organization’s strategy plan by using external recruitment and communication with the best experts in various fields and attracting and accompanying them and at the same time improving and upgrading technical, specialized, succession and improving maintenance indicators as the organization’s strategic approach in The field of human capital is considered.

Executive field of human resources

Petro Imen Sharif has created software infrastructure with the aim of providing the most appropriate support services in the field of human capital. With this approach, by updating online software, colleagues can inform me about the status of the personnel file, the latest news and events of the organization, functions, etc. at any time by referring to their folders.

Creating two-way communication (Inter-Active) and making all requests of colleagues online is one of the future plans of Petro Imen Sharif human capital executive area.

Welfare field

Petro Imen Sharif Knowledge Foundation has established various services in the field of welfare with the approach of creating a happy and energetic environment and is still developing these facilities.

With this view, under the pretext of various occasions, gifts, facilities and various celebrations are planned and implemented in the year. In these events, colleagues get to know about the latest programs and achievements of the organization through direct communication with the senior management of the organization.

Among the services provided in the organization are the possibility of using supplementary insurance for the whole family for free, sports facilities, bonuses, receiving training during the working period, special gifts, birthday gifts, children’s gifts, wedding gifts, etc.

Pictures of Petro Imen Sharif’s end-of-year celebration

Pictures of the Mother’s Day celebration

Pictures of the Yalda Night 1403 ceremony at Petro Imen Sharif


Petro Imen Sharif considers himself committed to paying salaries and benefits equal to the announced and regular schedule. Financial security and solving the economic concerns of employees is one of the main goals of this organization. Petro Imrn Sharif has always paid his employees according to the time and amount agreed in the announced tables and considers mutual commitment as the main approach in interacting with his human resources.

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